People Bot for Slack

Connect with Slack People (SSO & HRIS Sync) and make managing your team as easy as chatting in Slack!

Connect Assembly with 

People Bot for Slack

What can this integration do?

When you connect your Assembly identity manager with Slack People Directory, you get all sorts of added benefits:

  • Employee data like name, email, department, and more stay up-to-date in real time (this data must be stored in the People Directory)
  • As an admin on a paid plan, you can select to manage members from Slack groups or channels
  • Employees will can be set up to be automatically added or removed to reduce the member management required to keep Assembly members accurate

How do I integrate Slack People Directory with Assembly?

It's very simply to connect your Slack with Assembly. Please be sure you do have Slack admin permissions in order to access the directory. This is often required for set up and we recommend having someone from IT help you. Assuming you have the necessary access to set up, you can proceed by following these instructions:

  1. Go to Assembly user management
  2. Click on the Slack option
  3. Click the "Connect Slack" button (bottom right)

Be sure that you choose the correct Slack account to authenticate and from there, follow the remaining few steps to import the correct team members and you're good to go.

One extra pieces worth mentioning. If you've already manually added any members to Assembly, please check that they have the same email address in Slack or that user will get duplicated.

You can also find Assembly and learn more about our integration with Slack in directly from the Slack App store.

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